Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mark Your Calendars – Register for the Collaborate & Share Alerts Complimentary Session!

Widgets, those self-contained applications that can be embedded anywhere, are becoming an important way to visually consume news and obtain information. The appeal of widgets is its portability. They can be placed virtually anywhere the readers are.

Have you explored using Factiva Alert Widgets as a way of personally consuming the latest information from your Alert, or considered using it as a way of sharing your Alert with colleagues?

Register now to join us on 26 October, for a one-hour complimentary session on how the various tools in enable the sharing of Alerts and facilitate collaboration amongst teams.

Follow the steps below to find the session that best fits your schedule:
1. Select a Region
2. Choose Advanced (Inside-Out)
3. Select October
4. Find a session that fits your schedule and click Register.
5. Complete the short registration form.

The one-hour online sessions are conducted via an online interactive meeting facility, Microsoft® Live Meeting. If you have never used this web-conferencing tool before, we recommend that before attending a session you perform a one-time set up.

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